Cain: One Year Ago Today

RIP Cain 
November 4, 2003  to Febuary 7, 2012

It was one year ago today I had to say goodbye to my beloved Cain. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I have yet to bury Cains ashes in the cemetery with  my grandparents. I'm just not ready to let go. I just want to keep him with me. So, I am going to spend some time today looking at pet urns and perhaps changing him from his tin box to a nice wooden one with some engraving. 

I've also decided to buy a bamboo plant in his honor and plan to do that when he gets home tonight. I don't have to worry about the weather and I don't have to worry about it dying. It will live on forever, just like Cain's memory. 


  1. RIP Cain. You were loved while you were here.

  2. Memories are how we keep them close around us...It's clear your boy was and is very loved. <3

    1. Thank you for stopping by!

      Yes, he was very dear to me. He went through some of life's milestones with me. Long term dating, marriage, buying my first home, getting my associates, few job changes, death of my grandparents, my divorce, and moving 1000 miles away.The went through another dating episode where he gained a new "dad" and his daughter. Cain was with me through so much. He was the true meaning of unconditional love. He will forever be a big part of me.


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