You Know You are a Dog Person When......

*  ...  You have used your dog's shampoo
*  ...  You have tasted a dog biscuit to make sure it's good enough
*  ...  You have lied to your spouse to keep or protect a dog
*  ...  You'd rather shop for dog stuff than people stuff
*  ...  Your dog has her own email address...
*  ...  And sends and receives email in her name
*  ...  You neglect to send Christmas cards to your human friends, but send them all over the     world to dogs, from your dog.
*  ...  You cry watching "Emergency Vets"
*  ...  You cry watching Lassie
*  ...  You critique dog food commercials
*  ...  You have smuggled a dog or puppy into a public place so they didn't have to be alone in the car
*  ...  You don't visit people who don't let your dogs in their house
*  ...  Your dog has her own Christmas stocking and gets presents from "Santa"
*  ...  You can pluck a dog hair from your food and finish eating without batting an eye
*  ...  You refer to your friends as "Rover's mom" or "Fluffy's dad", etc


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