Casey : The New Guard Boxer

Casey : The New Guard Dog on Duty

Yesterday Casey was sworn in as the new guard dog on duty of the McConnell household.

As you can see - today she is more than thrilled to start her day with her new title.

Casey hanging out in the office with me.

This sign is 18 X 12. It is heavy. Honestly, I was not expecting it to be as heavy as it is (heavy  metal aluminum). I have seen a lot of different Boxer signs in my life - none of them have been as heavy as this particular product. The sign has a hole in each corner making it perfect for hanging on a fence. We aren't fenced - so I had the bright idea of hanging it on our giant tree. Right now Casey seems pretty content guarding her sign.

Shipping was quick. There was a slight glitch with my order. When the email arrived stating the order had been made, it read "Doberman" instead. Well, as we know - that is not Casey! So I sent an email and my problem was immediately fixed. AA++ for customer service.

I also decided that Ziggy should have his own sign and I picked out this one:

Fat-Cat Symbol Guard Cat Sign I am not sure he would be happy with my choice!

I am very pleased with the ease of communication and rate of arrival. The quality beats all expectations. If you are in need of pet signs I highly recommend My Security Sign.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this sign for free from I was not required to write a positive review for the sign. I was required to write an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


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