Dogs in Apartments with no Yards or Pet Parks

Should a person have a dog in an apartment which does not have ample yard or a dog park?
The answer is probably not.
I want you to put yourself in the dogs' position for just one moment. Apartments by average scale are small. Dogs, no matter what size need ample room to run around in. Not only that, dogs need rays of sunshine just as humans do. Humans need that Vitamin D the sun provides and dogs are no different. Locking them in an apartment all day is not healthy mentally or physically for dog.

Let's say for a minute the apartment complex is pet friendly. Apartments that are pet friendly have rules. Those rules tend to involve leashes and poop. This is to ensure the safety of all and that the apartment grounds are to remain poop free. All dogs are suppose to be on a leash and only allowed to poop in designated pooping areas. Pet owners are to clean up all said poop.
On many visits to pet friendly establishments only half the population follows the rules. I see dogs being taken outside without a leash. Potentially this could be dangerous for humans as well as other pets. It does not matter if you have a Great Dane, a Mastiff, or a Toy Poodle. All dogs have the potential to cause problems. Then, there is the poop rule. More often then not there are problems with poop. Some dogs have to go and they have to go now. So they can not make it to the designated area. Might not be too much of a problem, but then said owner decides they just don't want to be bothered with picking up poop, so there it stays for someone else to have to deal with.
Pet friendly apartment complexes try to make a little park on the grounds for the pet to run around it. Since apartment complexes are not huge to begin with, it only seems fitting that neither are the doggy grounds. Some allow the leashes to be off, which if your dog is not friendly, could pose a problem when being placed around other dogs.
Dogs need their own space, and they need a lot of it. They need to be able to run and poop freely without rules and restrictions. The ideal home for a dog has a doggie door so that dogs can go in and out on their own, especially for owners who work during the day.
Weather conditions also play a part in apartment dogs. When it is raining or cold, they are not going to want to go outside. If you live on the top floor, stairs could be dangerous. If you were in your own house, all you would have to do is open a door and they would have no choice but to go out. Living in an apartment with a designated pooping spot is just cruel. The last thing they are going to want to do when it is raining or cold is follow you across the complex to potty.
Having a dog in an apartment just is not safe. If you live on the top floor, there is always that possibility they could jump. They could attack other dogs or people or, they could be attacked. They are much safer in a house with their own backyard.


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