Saying Goodbye Again

I remember the day in 2010 we brought you home. You had a brother and a sister who were your whole world. When Cain passed away , you got a new sister, Tink . When your other sister Casey passed away in 2017, it took some years, but you eventually gained a new brother, Poe. And now, today, at 13 years old, it is your time to go. We weren’t ready to say goodbye. The picture on the top is one of the first pictures I ever took. The picture on the bottom is the last, taken just shortly after his birthday in July 2023. Ziggy, you were loved by so many. I wasn’t ready for you to go, but I’m thankful for all of the years I got to be your mama. Run free with Cain and Casey now. I know they missed their puppy kitty brother.